Our Mission
Peace Bridge will promote international peace and understanding by providing Hawaii cultural exchange opportunities for disadvantaged children of other countries.
Upon the passing of MSGT O’Reilly in 2007, Peace Bridge, a Hawaii 501(c)3 non-profit, was formed to continue and grow upon this legacy of peace and love for the children of the Holy Family Home. Peace Bridge is an all-volunteer board of local professionals dedicated to raising the funds necessary for this ongoing tradition. Peace Bridge fosters this special relationship and invites the community to be a part of this enduring legacy.

Summer Visits to Hawaii
Each year monies raised are used to fund a once-in- a-lifetime summer visit for children from the home. Four especially deserving children are selected by the orphanage and are flown to Hawaii where sponsoring Wolfhound families take them in as their own. These children of the Holy Family Home are provided with the unique experience of being part of a real family.
Christmas Gifting
Each Christmas, gifts are donated by the Wolfhounds, Peace Bridge and our local community supporters. Every child of the Holy Family Home receives hand delivered gifts from “Father Christmas” and his assistant at a special Christmas Party.
Scholarship Program
We are pleased to announce the “Peace Bridge Scholarship Program” for deserving children of the Holy Family Home. This program was designed to give disadvantaged children a chance to improve their lives, and through their success to help others. Programs include ESL, college prep, 2 and 4 year college scholarships. Peace Bridge works closely with our partners and donors to make this program a reality.
Our Goal
Peace Bridge, Inc. is working to expand on the Wolfhound Legacy by providing deserving
Holy Family Home children the opportunity to further their studies in the United States.
Our goal is to give children who would not otherwise have the opportunity to make more of
their lives by pursuing a higher degree.
A Message
from Sister Maurice
When I was assigned to work at Holy Family Home in Osaka in 1978, I did not realize in the beginning that I would be blessed with more than I could possibly give, just by serving the children placed in the care of the institution. The loving support and friendship of the American soldiers of the 27th Infantry Regiment is fixed deeply in the history of Holy Family Home, and I am privileged to have had a part in it. The “Wolfhounds” soldiers helped the Daughters of Charity establish the first real “home” for the destitute orphans in the days after World War II. All of the staff and children cannot help but “feel” the spirit of warm friendship with the “Gentle Wolfhounds”, which continues today through their visits at Christmas, the children’ summer visits, and other exchanges.
In addition, thanks to having been the contact/correspondent for “everything Wolfhound” in relation to Holy Family Home, I want to say that the “brotherhood” exemplified by the Wolfhound veterans, members of the 27th Infantry Regiment Historical Society, is truly an inspiration to me. The members preserve, and hand down to the present generation, the memories and enthusiasm of the 60+ years when, under the leadership of Master SGT Hugh O’Reilly, their support meant “survival” to the children and those caring for them. Holy Family Home has grown into the Social Welfare Institution it is today, caring for over 135 children and 40-45 infants who are not blessed with their own families to love and nourish them.
Now, in keeping with the sequence of developments in the history of Holy Family Home in my message, I would like to express heartfelt appreciation to the organization that is the “backbone” holding this unique relationship together … Peace Bridge. The legacy of love did not die with the passing of “O’Reilly San”! Peace Bridge, with many persons of goodwill, and the past and present generations of Wolfhounds after him, continue the good work he started.
God bless each and every one!
Sister Maurice, Daughter of Charity